Chapter 7: Inheritance/Interface – Symbiopoly

January 9th, 2018


Design and implement a new ADT called Symbiopoly. A Symbiopoly object has a symbiotic relationship with a different ADT object. The purpose of this assignment is to work with an interface, Countable and appreciate its powerful feature: different objects share common members. This application is an example of polymorphic behavior that takes place during late binding.

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The outline of the Symbiopoly ADT is very similar to the DataSet ADT.
Below is an example of the minimum required for this assignment’s driver. You need to write the code for the ADTs used in this application.

 * @GE
 * @11/6/14
 * @revisions 11/2/15, 11/26/16, 1/9/18
 * A symbiotic system with different "countable" objects.
 * In this symbiotic system there are "complex" (e.g. clownfish) 
 * and "simple" organisms (e.g. green algae)
public class Symbiopoly
   private int totalCount;
   private int symbioCount;
   private Countable mostSymbioticObjects;

      Constructs an empty symbiotic objects system.
   public Symbiopoly()
      // total number of symbiotic objects in the whole symbiotic system 
      // (e.g. # of anemones + # of clownfish + # of green algae organisms)
      totalCount = 0;  
     // the symbiotic object with the most complex objects  
     // (e.g. the anemone with most # of clownfish + # of green algae organisms  
      mostSymbioticObjects = null;      
    // public void add( what????);  // only one add method can be implemented - NO OVERLOADING

An example of a test class:

   This program tests the Symbiopoly class by creating a reef
   and adding sea life to it. 
public class CoralReefDriver
   public static void main(String[] args)
      // create sea life for the coral reef 

        Anemone cnidarians = new Anemone("cnidarians"); // courtesy from Jason Shao
        Anemone condy = new Anemone("condy");           // courtesy from Jason Shao
        Anemone ritteri = new Anemone("ritteri");       // courtesy from Jason Shao

        Clownfish glowy = new Clownfish("glowy");       // courtesy from Jason Shao
        Clownfish bashful = new Clownfish("bashful");   // courtesy from Jason Shao
        Clownfish flowy = new Clownfish("flowy");       // courtesy from Jason Shao

        GreenAlgae gAlgeaS = new GreenAlgae("gAlgeaS"); // courtesy from Jason Shao
        GreenAlgae gAlgeaN = new GreenAlgae("gAlgeaN"); // courtesy from Jason Shao
        GreenAlgae gAlgeaE = new GreenAlgae("gAlgeaE"); // courtesy from Jason Shao
        GreenAlgae gAlgeaW = new GreenAlgae("gAlgeaW"); // courtesy from Jason Shao
      // add friends to an anemone
      // create a reef 
      Symbiopoly redReef = new Symbiopoly();
      // add sea life to the reef

      // print reef with most sea life
      System.out.println("Number of all symbiotic friends " +
      // get the number of symbiotic friends
      System.out.println("Number of friends in this object " + cnidarians.getSymbioCount());
      // get the animal with the most sea life
      Countable mostSeaLife = redReef.mostSymbioticObjects();
      // get the animal's name
      System.out.println("The species with the most friends: " +   

Output samples:
// @author: MS
// Number of symbiotic friends 7
// Number of friends in this object 4
// The species with the most friends: Anemone

 * ee
 * Driver for Symbiopoly 
 * @author emily
 * output:
 * Number of symbiotic friends 7
 * Number of friends in this object 4
 * The species with the most friends: Cnidarians

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Natural History

This green plantlike creature is actually an animal with algae plants living inside it. In this symbiotic relationship, the algae gain protection from snails and other grazers and don’t have to compete for living space, while the anemones gain extra nourishment from the algae in their guts. Contrary to popular opinion, this anemone’s green color is produced by the animal itself, not the algae that it eats.

Use the Countable interface:

 * Interface Countable: use the "implements" keyword to indicate that a class 
 * implements an interface type. Unlike a class, an interface type provides no implementation
 * @GE
 * @11/6/14
 * @revisions 11/2/15, 11/26/16

   Describes any class whose objects can be counted.
public interface Countable
      Computes the number of object there are in a host.
      @return the count 
   int getSymbioCount();
   // count of symbiotic objects "this" object has(e.g. # of clownfish in each
   // anemones, # of green algae organisms in each anemones)       
   int symbioCount;  // it is "public"!!!!! so it can be accessed without getSymbioCount();     
    * animal's name
   String getName();