Category Archives: Reminder

Chapter 3: Std Lib – Graphics Review


3.17 Design and implement an application that draws the side view of stair steps from the lower left to the upper right.

3.18 Design and implement an application that draws 100 circles of random color and random diameter in random locations. Make sure that in each case the whole circle appears in the visible area.

You can use the libraries from PU:
Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 9.16.47 AM

Short Answers 3.12 through 3.17
T/F 1 through 9

Chapter 3 Test Review
Review from the book the following material:
The “if” statement
Block Statement
Selection operator: ternary if
Brace layout
Indentation and tabs
Conditions with side effects
The “switch” statement
The “dangling” else
Boolean expressions
Multiple Relational operators
Confusing && and || conditions
Lazy evaluation of Boolean operators