One-hundred fifty ninth Day 1314 Lego robots

May 21st, 2014


Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 11.50.15 AM

1. Write Program 3 – Accurate rotation control.
What the program should do

Display the program name and wait for a button press.
Rotate the motor 4 complete revolutions.
Display the tachometer reading on the on the LCD.
Rotate the motor to angle 0.
Display the tachometer reading on the on the LCD, next row
Wait for a button press.

2. Write Program 4 – Interrupting rotation.
What the program should do

Display the program number.
Start a rotation of 4 revolutions backward.
While the motor is rotating, display the tacho count.
When a button is pressed, stop the motor.
After the motor has stopped, display the tacho count in another row.
Wait for a button press.

3. Program 5: Regulating motor speed
What the program should do:

Display the program number as usual.
Set the speed of all 3 motors at 2 revolutions/sec.
Start all 3 motors rotating through 2 revolutions simultaneously.
Every 200 ms, display all 3 tacho count values in a row.
Repeat step 3, 8 times, using a different row each time.
Wait for a button press while you write down the array of numbers (perhaps in a spread sheet)

NOTE: Each member submit the work in

Homework: Finish reading the page for Controlling the Motors