Category Archives: Class work

Elevens Lab: Activities 1 and 2 – Sorts Class Activity

Sorts activities:
Quicksort Trace 1 through 10:


Quicksort Trace 10 through 1:


Insertion sort trace 1 through 10:
Inserion Sort


Enactment of Quicksort: 25, 32, 5, 15, 100, 2, 75, 80

Enactment of Mergesort: 25, 32, 5, 15, 100, 2, 75, 80

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The Elevens Game
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Classwork and Homework: Work on activities 1 and 2

Chapter 8: Quick Sort – Analysis and Video


The selection and insertion, are relatively simple, but they are inefficient sequential sorts that use a pair of nested loops and require roughly n^2 comparisons to sort a list of n elements.

More efficient sorts are algorithms that lend themselves to a recursive implementation.
In addtion, the Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. Quicksort first divides a large array into two smaller sub-arrays: the low elements and the high elements. Quicksort can then recursively sort the sub-arrays.

Quick Sort

The quick sort algorithm sorts a list by partitioning the list using an arbitrary chosen partition element and then recursively sorting the sublists on either side of the partition element.

General Strategy:
• First, choose one element of the list to act as a partition element.
• Next, partition the list so that all elements less than the partition element are to the left of that element and all elements greater than the partition element are to the right.
• Finally, apply this quick sort strategy recursively to both partitions.
• The choice of the partition element is arbitrary, we will use the first element in the list.
• For efficiency reasons, it would be nice if the partition element divided the list roughly in half, but the algorithm will work no matter what element is chosen as a partition


90 65  7   305 120 110 8

we would choose 90 as our partition element.

We would then rearrange the list, swapping the elements that are less than 90 to the left side and those that are greater than 90 to the right side, yielding:

8  65  7   90  120 110 305

We would then apply the quick sort algorithm separately to both partitions. This process continues until a partition contains only one element, which is inherently sorted. Once the initial partition element is determined and placed, it is never considered or moved again.

Here is the book version of the quicksort code:

   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using quick sort.
   public static void quickSort (int[] numbers)
      doQuickSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);
   //  Recursively sorts the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doQuickSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = partition(numbers, start, end);
         doQuickSort(numbers, start, middle);
         doQuickSort(numbers, middle + 1, end);

   //  Partitions the array such that each value in [start, middle]
   //  is less than or equal to each value in [middle + 1, end].
   //  The index middle is determined in the procedure and returned.
   private static int partition (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      int pivot = numbers[start];
      int i = start - 1;
      int j = end + 1;

      // As the loop progresses, the indices i and j move towards each other.
      // Elements at i and j that are on the wrong side of the partition are
      // exchanged. When i and j pass each other, the loop ends and j is
      // returned as the index at which the elements are partitioned around.
      while (true)
         i = i + 1;
         while (numbers[i] < pivot)
            i = i + 1;

         j = j - 1;
         while (numbers[j] > pivot)
            j = j - 1;

         if (i < j)
            int tmp = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = tmp;

           return j;


Wikimedia Commons

1. Trace the quick sort using the data above using the code.

[90,   65, 7,  305,    120,    110,    8]

2. Write the pseudocode looking at the code.

4. Under what conditions you have the worse case?
5. What data would yield to a best case and average case?
6. What is the big O notation for this sort for each case?
7. Can you think of a non-recursive QuickSort?
8. Write code for QuickSorting objects. Include compareTo() and toString() methods of the object’s class.

It is not part of the AP curriculum.

import java.util.Arrays;

// When we partition data we are dividing it into
// two parts. All items with data above a defined value
// will go in one part and the rest will go in the other

// The value that defines in which group data will go
// is known as the pivot value

public class Partitioning {

    private static int[] theArray;

    private static int arraySize;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Partitioning partitionArray = new Partitioning(10);



        // Every item smaller than 35 will be on the left and
        // everything bigger will be on the right




    public void partitionArray(int pivot) {

        // If leftPointer finds an item that is greater
        // than pivot it stops and waits for the rightPointer
        // to find a value less than pivot. Then the items
        // are switched

        // Starts at the left side of array before index 0

        int leftPointer = -1;

        // Starts at the right side of the array after the last index

        int rightPointer = arraySize;

        while (true) {

            // Cycle through array until the end is reached
            // or an item bigger than pivot is found. Then
            // wait for rightPointer to finish cycling

            while (leftPointer < (arraySize - 1)
                    && theArray[++leftPointer] < pivot)

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            System.out.println(theArray[leftPointer] + " in index "
                    + leftPointer + " is bigger than the pivot value " + pivot);

            // Cycle through array until the beginning is reached
            // or an item smaller than pivot is found.

            while (rightPointer > 0 && theArray[--rightPointer] > pivot)

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            System.out.println(theArray[rightPointer] + " in index "
                    + rightPointer + " is smaller than the pivot value "
                    + pivot);

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            // When the 2 pointers meet at the middle break
            // out of the while loop

            if (leftPointer >= rightPointer)

            else {

                // Swap the values in the pointers

                swapValues(leftPointer, rightPointer);

                System.out.println(theArray[leftPointer] + " was swapped for "
                        + theArray[rightPointer]);




    public void swapValues(int indexOne, int indexTwo) {

        int temp = theArray[indexOne];
        theArray[indexOne] = theArray[indexTwo];
        theArray[indexTwo] = temp;


    Partitioning(int newArraySize) {

        arraySize = newArraySize;

        theArray = new int[arraySize];



    public void generateRandomArray() {

        for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {

            // Generate a random array with values between
            // 10 and 59

            theArray[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 50) + 10;



    static void printHorzArray(int i, int j) {

        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++) {

            System.out.format("| %2s " + " ", n);



        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++) {

            System.out.print(String.format("| %2s " + " ", theArray[n]));



        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        if (i != -1) {

            // Number of spaces to put before the F

            int spacesBeforeFront = 5 * i + 1;

            for (int k = 0; k < spacesBeforeFront; k++)
                System.out.print(" ");


            // Number of spaces to put before the R

            int spacesBeforeRear = (5 * j + 1 - 1) - spacesBeforeFront;

            for (int l = 0; l < spacesBeforeRear; l++)
                System.out.print(" ");






import java.util.Arrays;

// The Quick Sort is normally the fastest sorting algorithm

public class QuickSort {

    private static int[] theArray;

    private static int arraySize;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        QuickSort theSort = new QuickSort(10);



        theSort.quickSort(0, 9);



    QuickSort(int newArraySize) {

        arraySize = newArraySize;

        theArray = new int[arraySize];



    public void quickSort(int left, int right) {

        if (right - left <= 0)
            return; // Everything is sorted

        else {

            // It doesn't matter what the pivot is, but it must
            // be a value in the array

            int pivot = theArray[right];

            System.out.println("Value in right " + theArray[right]
                    + " is made the pivot");

            System.out.println("left = " + left + " right= " + right
                    + " pivot= " + pivot + " sent to be partitioned");

            int pivotLocation = partitionArray(left, right, pivot);

            System.out.println("Value in left " + theArray[left]
                    + " is made the pivot");

            quickSort(left, pivotLocation - 1); // Sorts the left side

            quickSort(pivotLocation + 1, right);



    public int partitionArray(int left, int right, int pivot) {

        int leftPointer = left - 1;

        int rightPointer = right;

        while (true) {

            while (theArray[++leftPointer] < pivot)

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            System.out.println(theArray[leftPointer] + " in index "
                    + leftPointer + " is bigger than the pivot value " + pivot);

            while (rightPointer > 0 && theArray[--rightPointer] > pivot)

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            System.out.println(theArray[rightPointer] + " in index "
                    + rightPointer + " is smaller than the pivot value "
                    + pivot);

            printHorzArray(leftPointer, rightPointer);

            if (leftPointer >= rightPointer) {

                System.out.println("left is >= right so start again");



            else {

                swapValues(leftPointer, rightPointer);

                System.out.println(theArray[leftPointer] + " was swapped for "
                        + theArray[rightPointer]);



        swapValues(leftPointer, right);

        return leftPointer;


    public void swapValues(int indexOne, int indexTwo) {

        int temp = theArray[indexOne];
        theArray[indexOne] = theArray[indexTwo];
        theArray[indexTwo] = temp;


    public void generateRandomArray() {

        for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {

            // Generate a random array with values between
            // 10 and 59

            theArray[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 50) + 10;



    static void printHorzArray(int i, int j) {

        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++) {

            System.out.format("| %2s " + " ", n);



        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++) {

            System.out.print(String.format("| %2s " + " ", theArray[n]));



        for (int n = 0; n < 61; n++)


        if (i != -1) {

            // Number of spaces to put before the F

            int spacesBeforeFront = 6 * (i + 1) - 5;

            for (int k = 0; k < spacesBeforeFront; k++)
                System.out.print(" ");

            System.out.print("L" + i);

            // Number of spaces to put before the R

            int spacesBeforeRear = 5 * (j + 1) - spacesBeforeFront;

            for (int l = 0; l < spacesBeforeRear; l++)
                System.out.print(" ");

            System.out.print("R" + j);





Looking beyond java and more mathematical:

Chapter 8: 2 sorting projects

1. Create 3 data sets of 5000 integers: (USE ARRAYS and the light version of the quicksort algorithm)

    Data Set A: randomly generate the data in range from 1 to 5000.
    Data Set B: generate integers in range from 1 to 5000 (no duplicates) sorted in ascending order.
    Data Set C: generate integers in range from 1 to 5000 (no duplicates) sorted in descending order.
  1. Set up counters in your quick sort trace program and run the three sets separately.
  2. Find an approximate expression that relates the size of the data to the number of comparisons or visits or swaps to the data.
  3. Make a conclusion about the three different cases.

Sorting Project

Due date: February 26th, 2016

You are to write a program that tests each of five sorting algorithms with arrays of random integer values of four different sizes. You will need to keep count of the number of times the innermost steps of the sort algorithm are executed in order to judge the relative Big-O of each sort.

    The five algorithms are: selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, quicksort and merge sort.
    The array sizes to use are: 10, 100, 1000, and 5000.
    The Counter class and also a class that generates arrays of random integers are below.
    You will need to modify the sort code to include an increment to the counter where appropriate.

The main part of this project is the design and implementation of a driver program that will test the sorts on the same set of arrays.

  1. It should keep track of the count result for each sort for each array size and generate a table to summarize the results. A sample table is given below.

Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 10.39.04 AM

  1. It should create a scatter plot for each of the sorts. The plot could be either text based or as a GUI. You can also use a program edaphneDKHxcel.

  2. Source code available for you to use but you can have your own program for this project.

public class Counter

    private static int count = 0;

    public static int getcount( )

        return count;

    public static void reset( )
        count = 0;

    public static void increment( )

import java.util.Random;

public class RandomIntArray
    public static int[ ] generateArray( int n )
    // generates an array of length n populated
    // with random integers

        int[ ] result = new int[n];
                Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

            result[i] = random.nextInt(5*n);

        return result;

Bubble Sort — fixed number of passes
This version of bubble sort makes a fixed number of passes (length of the array – 1). Each inner loop is one shorter than the previous one.

public static void bubbleSort1(int[] x) {
    int n = x.length;
    for (int pass=1; pass < n; pass++) {  // count how many times
        // This next loop becomes shorter and shorter
        for (int i=0; i < n-pass; i++) {
            if (x[i] > x[i+1]) {
                // exchange elements
                int temp = x[i];  
                x[i] = x[i+1];  
                x[i+1] = temp;

Start working on the project.

Chapter 8: Sorts Projects

The purpose of this assignment is to observe the different performance of the quick sort based on the data.

  1. Create 3 data sets of 50,000 integers:

Data Set A: randomly generate the data in range from 1 to 50,000.(no duplicates)
Data Set B: generate integers in range from 1 to 50,000 sorted in ascending order.
Data Set C: generate integers in range from 1 to 50,000 sorted in descending order.

  1. Set up a counter in your quick sort trace program and run the three sets separately.
    Your results will be meaningful depending where you put the counter. So be mindful of what you are trying to achieve.

  2. Find an expression that relates the size of the data to the number of comparisons or visits to the data.

  3. Make a conclusion about the three different cases.

NOTE: Use Arrays and the version of Quick sort we have used.

**** If your program crashes with “stack overflow”, change the number of elements from 50,000 to 10,000 ****

Besides the usual, explain where and why your counter is placed.
The conclusion about the behavior of the sort based on the data characteristic.

Sorting Project
Due date: February 15th, 2017

You are to write a program that tests each of five sorting algorithms with arrays of random integer values of four different sizes. You also need a counter for this project. And just like in the previous assignment you need to decide where the counter should be so the comparisons make sense for the all the sorts. The documentation must explain where and why the counter is placed.

The five algorithms are: selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort and merge sort.
The array sizes to use are: 10, 100, 1000, and 5000.
The Counter class and also a class that generates arrays of random integers are posted below.
You will need to modify the sort code to include an increment to the counter where appropriate.

The main part of this project is the design and implementation of a driver program that will test the sorts on the same set of arrays.

  1. It should keep track of the count result for each sort for each array size and generate a table to summarize the results. A sample table is shown.

  1. It should create a scatter plot for each of the sorts. The plot could be either text based or as a GUI. You have the option of entering the data in a spreadsheet and use the graphing feature to create the scatter plot.

  1. Use mathematical regressions to find an expression for each of the sorts’ data.

NOTE: Counter, RandomIntArray classes, and public static void bubbleSort1(int[] x) resources are optional. You can make substitutions.

import java.util.Scanner;
//       Author: Lewis/Loftus/Cocking
//  Demonstrates the merge sort and quick sort algorithms.

public class RecursiveSorts
   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using merge sort.
   public static void mergeSort (int[] numbers)
      doMergeSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);

   //  Recursively sorts the the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doMergeSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = (start + end) / 2;
         doMergeSort (numbers, start, middle);
         doMergeSort (numbers, middle + 1, end);
         merge (numbers, start, middle, end);

   //  Merges in sorted order the two sorted subarrays
   //  [start, middle] and [middle + 1, end].
   private static void merge (int[] numbers, int start, int middle,
                     int end)

      // This temporary array will be used to build the merged list.
      int[] tmp = new int[end - start + 1];

      int index1 = start;
      int index2 = middle + 1;
      int indexTmp = 0;

      // Loop until one of the sublists is exhausted, adding the smaller
      // of the first elements of each sublist to the merged list.
      while (index1 <= middle && index2 <= end)
         if (numbers[index1] < numbers[index2])
             tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index1];
             tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index2];

      // Add to the merged list the remaining elements of whichever sublist
      // is not yet exhausted.
      while (index1 <= middle)
         tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index1];
      while (index2 <= end)
         tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index2];

      // Copy the merged list from tmp into numbers.
      for (indexTmp = 0; indexTmp < tmp.length; indexTmp++)
         numbers[start + indexTmp] = tmp[indexTmp]; 


   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using quick sort.
   public static void quickSort (int[] numbers)
      doQuickSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);
   //  Recursively sorts the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doQuickSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = partition(numbers, start, end);
         doQuickSort(numbers, start, middle);
         doQuickSort(numbers, middle + 1, end);

   //  Partitions the array such that each value in [start, middle]
   //  is less than or equal to each value in [middle + 1, end].
   //  The index middle is determined in the procedure and returned.
   private static int partition (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      int pivot = numbers[start];
      int i = start - 1;
      int j = end + 1;

      // As the loop progresses, the indices i and j move towards each other.
      // Elements at i and j that are on the wrong side of the partition are
      // exchanged. When i and j pass each other, the loop ends and j is
      // returned as the index at which the elements are partitioned around.
      while (true)
         i = i + 1;
         while (numbers[i] < pivot)
            i = i + 1;

         j = j - 1;
         while (numbers[j] > pivot)
            j = j - 1;

         if (i < j)
            int tmp = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = tmp;

            for (int index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++)
                System.out.print (numbers[index] + "   ");
         else return j;

Bubble Sort — fixed number of passes
This version of bubble sort makes a fixed number of passes (length of the array – 1). Each inner loop is one shorter than the previous one.

public static void bubbleSort1(int[] x) {
    int n = x.length;
    for (int pass=1; pass < n; pass++) {  // count how many times
        // This next loop becomes shorter and shorter
        for (int i=0; i < n-pass; i++) {
            if (x[i] > x[i+1]) {
                // exchange elements
                int temp = x[i];  
                x[i] = x[i+1];  
                x[i+1] = temp;

Optional Resources:

public class Counter

    private static int count = 0;

    public static int getcount( )

        return count;

    public static void reset( )
        count = 0;

    public static void increment( )
import java.util.Random;

public class RandomIntArray
    public static int[ ] generateArray( int n )
    // generates an array of length n populated
    // with random integers

        int[ ] result = new int[n];
                Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

            result[i] = random.nextInt(5*n);

        return result;

Start working on the project.

Chapter 8: quicksort

February 5th, 2015

Trace the quicksort for the following data:

5    9    2    1    2    4    3    7

Use the lighter version of the Quicksort code:

   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using quick sort.
   public static void quickSort (int[] numbers)
      doQuickSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);
   //  Recursively sorts the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doQuickSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = partition(numbers, start, end);
         doQuickSort(numbers, start, middle);
         doQuickSort(numbers, middle + 1, end);

   //  Partitions the array such that each value in [start, middle]
   //  is less than or equal to each value in [middle + 1, end].
   //  The index middle is determined in the procedure and returned.
   private static int partition (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      int pivot = numbers[start];
      int i = start - 1;
      int j = end + 1;

      // As the loop progresses, the indices i and j move towards each other.
      // Elements at i and j that are on the wrong side of the partition are
      // exchanged. When i and j pass each other, the loop ends and j is
      // returned as the index at which the elements are partitioned around.
      while (true)
         i = i + 1;
         while (numbers[i] < pivot)
            i = i + 1;

         j = j - 1;
         while (numbers[j] > pivot)
            j = j - 1;

         if (i < j)
            int tmp = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = tmp;

           return j;

Self-Review questions 8.1 through 8.6 (Use your own words)
MC: 8.1 through 8.6

Chapter 8: Quicksort

Trace the quicksort for the following numbers:

5  9  2  1  2  4  3  7

Turn in the tracing before the end of the period.
Look at the quicksort from the text book and find the difference between the previous one and this one.
Use print statements to trace the swapping of the array elements and compare it to your own tracing.

//       Author: Lewis/Loftus/Cocking
//  Demonstrates the merge sort and quick sort algorithms.

public class RecursiveSorts
   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using merge sort.
   public static void mergeSort (int[] numbers)
      doMergeSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);

   //  Recursively sorts the the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doMergeSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = (start + end) / 2;
         doMergeSort (numbers, start, middle);
         doMergeSort (numbers, middle + 1, end);
         merge (numbers, start, middle, end);

   //  Merges in sorted order the two sorted subarrays
   //  [start, middle] and [middle + 1, end].
   private static void merge (int[] numbers, int start, int middle,
                     int end)
      // This temporary array will be used to build the merged list.
      int[] tmp = new int[end - start + 1];

      int index1 = start;
      int index2 = middle + 1;
      int indexTmp = 0;

      // Loop until one of the sublists is exhausted, adding the smaller
      // of the first elements of each sublist to the merged list.
      while (index1 <= middle && index2 <= end)
         if (numbers[index1] < numbers[index2])
             tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index1];
             tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index2];

      // Add to the merged list the remaining elements of whichever sublist
      // is not yet exhausted.
      while (index1 <= middle)
         tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index1];
      while (index2 <= end)
         tmp[indexTmp] = numbers[index2];

      // Copy the merged list from tmp into numbers.
      for (indexTmp = 0; indexTmp < tmp.length; indexTmp++)
         numbers[start + indexTmp] = tmp[indexTmp];

   //  Sorts the specified array of integers using quick sort.
   public static void quickSort (int[] numbers)
      doQuickSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1);
   //  Recursively sorts the portion of the given array beginning
   //  at start and ending at end.
   private static void doQuickSort (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      if (start < end)
         int middle = partition(numbers, start, end);
         doQuickSort(numbers, start, middle);
         doQuickSort(numbers, middle + 1, end);

   //  Partitions the array such that each value in [start, middle]
   //  is less than or equal to each value in [middle + 1, end].
   //  The index middle is determined in the procedure and returned.
   private static int partition (int[] numbers, int start, int end)
      int pivot = numbers[start];
      int i = start - 1;
      int j = end + 1;

      // As the loop progresses, the indices i and j move towards each other.
      // Elements at i and j that are on the wrong side of the partition are
      // exchanged. When i and j pass each other, the loop ends and j is
      // returned as the index at which the elements are partitioned around.
      while (true)
         i = i + 1;
         while (numbers[i] < pivot)
            i = i + 1;

         j = j - 1;
         while (numbers[j] > pivot)
            j = j - 1;

         if (i < j)
            int tmp = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = tmp;
         else return j;

Chapter 8: Stacks – Maze Solver Trace


Trace the maze solver

//  Represents a maze of characters. The goal is to get from the
//  top left corner to the bottom right, following a path of 1s.
public class Maze
   private final int TRIED = 3;
   private final int PATH = 7;
   private int stepCount = 0;
   private int[][] grid = { {1,1,1},

	1	1	1
	1	0	1
	0	0	1

   //  Tries to recursively follow the maze. 
   public boolean traverse (int row, int column)
      boolean done = false;
      if (valid (row, column))
         grid[row][column] = TRIED;  // this cell has been tried

         if (row == grid.length-1 && column == grid[0].length-1)
            done = true;  // the maze is solved
            done = traverse (row+1, column);     // down
            if (!done)
               done = traverse (row, column+1);  // right
            if (!done)
               done = traverse (row-1, column);  // up
            if (!done)
               done = traverse (row, column-1);  // left

         if (done)  // this location is part of the final path
            grid[row][column] = PATH;
      return done;

   //  Determines if a specific location is valid.
   private boolean valid (int row, int column)
      boolean result = false;
      // check if cell is in the bounds of the matrix
      if (row >= 0 && row < grid.length &&
          column >= 0 && column < grid[row].length)

         //  check if cell is not blocked and not previously tried
         if (grid[row][column] == 1)
            result = true;
      return result;
   //  Returns the maze as a string.
   public String toString ()
      String result = "\n";

      for (int row=0; row < grid.length; row++)
         for (int column=0; column < grid[row].length; column++)
            result += grid[row][column] + "";
         result += "\n";

      return result;

//       Author: Lewis/Loftus/Cocking
//  Demonstrates recursion.

public class MazeSearch
   //  Creates a new maze, prints its original form, tries to
   //  solve it, and prints out its final form.
   public static void main (String[] args)
      Maze labyrinth = new Maze();
      System.out.println (labyrinth);

      if (labyrinth.traverse (0, 0))
         System.out.println ("The maze was successfully solved!");
         System.out.println ("There is no possible path.");

      System.out.println (labyrinth);


1. Maze 3 by 3 solver trace
Show the rows and columns visited by the program for this maze:

1 0 1
1 1 1
0 1 1

2. Maze 3 by 3 solver trace using stacks
Show the changes in the stacks as the visit to a path pushes the location information and then the values are pop when they are not part of the solution.
NOTE: If you want to use small pieces of paper to push information into the top of the stack, I have a good number of them for you to use.

Here is the trace for the 3 by 3 above:
( 0 , 0)
( 1 , 0)
( 2 , 0)
( 1 , 1)
( 0 , 0)
( 1 , -1)
( 0 , 1)
( 1 , 1)
( 0 , 2)
( 1 , 2)
( 2 , 2)

Chapter 8: Recursive Search String Finder


Write a program, that implements a recursive search of a sorted list of strings. Your program should include a recursive method that determines whether or not a given String is present within a sorted array (or, if you choose, an ArrayList) by searching successively smaller segments of the list.


Include a test driver that prompts the user for strings to be searched. The user should enter one string per line, with an empty line indicating the end of the series. After the sorted list of strings has been entered, the program should prompt the user for a search string. The program should then print a message stating whether or not the search string was found in the list, the total number of strings in the list, and the number of comparisons made while looking for the search string.

Chapter 8: Recursive Sorts

February 20th, 2014

Recursive Sorts – Clwk 2/20 – Quick Sort Exercises Part 2
With a partner find 7 different integers to demonstrate
1. The worst case for the quick sort. (most number of swaps)
2. The best case for the quick sort. (least number of swaps)

Post both sets and the number of swaps here.

Recursive Sorts – Clwk 2/20 – Quick Sort Exercises Part 3
1. What is the difference between the quick sort original code and the one from the text book?

Recursive Sorts – Hwk 2/20 – Quick Sort random pivot
Write a different quick sort program:
Selection of pivot: choose the first three numbers and randomly assign one of them to be the pivot.

Implementation for the assignments:

   public void quickSort (int[] data, int min, int max)
      int indexofpartition;

      if (max - min  > 0)
         /** Create partitions */
         indexofpartition = findPartition(data, min, max);

         quickSort(data, min, indexofpartition - 1);

         quickSort(data, indexofpartition + 1, max);

   private int findPartition (int[] data, int min, int max)
      int left, right;
      int temp, partitionelement;

      partitionelement = data[min]; 
      left = min;
      right = max;

         while (left partitionelement) 

         if (left