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One-hundred fifty ninth Day 1314 Lego robots

May 21st, 2014


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1. Write Program 3 – Accurate rotation control.
What the program should do

Display the program name and wait for a button press.
Rotate the motor 4 complete revolutions.
Display the tachometer reading on the on the LCD.
Rotate the motor to angle 0.
Display the tachometer reading on the on the LCD, next row
Wait for a button press.

2. Write Program 4 – Interrupting rotation.
What the program should do

Display the program number.
Start a rotation of 4 revolutions backward.
While the motor is rotating, display the tacho count.
When a button is pressed, stop the motor.
After the motor has stopped, display the tacho count in another row.
Wait for a button press.

3. Program 5: Regulating motor speed
What the program should do:

Display the program number as usual.
Set the speed of all 3 motors at 2 revolutions/sec.
Start all 3 motors rotating through 2 revolutions simultaneously.
Every 200 ms, display all 3 tacho count values in a row.
Repeat step 3, 8 times, using a different row each time.
Wait for a button press while you write down the array of numbers (perhaps in a spread sheet)

NOTE: Each member submit the work in

Homework: Finish reading the page for Controlling the Motors

One-hundred thirty third Day 1314 The Gridworld

April 17th, 2014

Monday 21st of April: Review for Grid World part 4 Test
Monday 22nd of April: Grid World part 4 Test

Classwork: Case Study: GW – Work on sets and exercises.
Homework: GW – Work on sets and exercises and review for test on Tuesday.

AP Exam Review: 2013 Packet question 1 parts (a) and (b) on paper.
Due on Monday, April 21st, 2014

One-hundred twenty sixth Day 1314 The Gridworld

April 7th, 2014
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Looking ahead:

  • Finish up Grid World Case Study
  • Review for AP Exam
  • Pi Day program Show and Tell
  • Data Structures I
  • ACSL competitions
  • Mindstorm Project leading to the Firefighter competition through the Penn State Abington Contest Maze
  • Classwork: Case Study: GW – Set 9 – Exercises 1 through 3

    Homework: Case Study: GW – Set 9 – Exercises 4 and 5

    PU students will be coming today to work with students who are interested on java programming.

One-hundred seventeenth Day 1314 Sean Shypula

March 25th, 2014

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Finish up The Jumper Class – Group Activity.

Colibri world and Colibri actor.
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Find an image of a hummingbird for a new actor. Create a new world with a Colibri as its actor. Be creative and make your world unique with a different shape (not a 10 by 10 grid) and background color.

NOTE: This is not a group activity. Due date: 4/1/2014

Write a document describing the world and the Colibri actor.
Make sure you include the attributes and behaviors and the public interface.

Sean Shypula will be visiting PHS on March 27th, 2014. He will be talking about his journey from high school student to his current life on the “Bungie Farm”. We will welcome Sean in room 242 during periods 6 and 7.
NOTE: make sure your permission slip gets signed by Wednesday.
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