Chapter 8: Recursive Thinking

Recursive Thinking

Exercise 1:
Consider the following recursive algorithm for painting a square:

1. Given a square.
2. If the length of a side is less than 2 feet, then stop.
3. Divide the square into 4 equal size squares (i.e.,
draw a “plus” sign inside the square).
4. Paint one of these 4 small squares.
5. Repeat this procedure (start at step 1)
for each of the 3 unpainted squares.

If this algorithm is applied to a square with a side of 16 feet (having a total area of 256 sq. feet), how many square feet will be painted?

Exercise 2:


Exercise 3:

Exercise 4:
Consider the following recursive function.

public static int mystery(int a, int b) {
   if (b == 0)     return 0;
   if (b % 2 == 0) return mystery(a+a, b/2);
   return mystery(a+a, b/2) + a;

What are the values of mystery(2, 25) and mystery(3, 11)? Given positive integers a and b, describe what value mystery(a, b) computes. Answer the same question, but replace + with * and replace return 0 with return 1.

Programming Exercise:
Binary representation. Write a program that takes a positive integer N (in decimal) from the command line and prints out its binary representation. Recall, you can use the method of subtracting out powers of 2. Instead, use the following simpler method: repeatedly divide 2 into N and read the remainders backwards. First, write a while loop to carry out this computation and print the bits in the wrong order. Then, use recursion to print the bits in the correct order.